Logo for Joe Pivetti dot Com Website       Joe Pivetti's Doodling & Haiku

What I mean by doodles

I've done some doodling which inspired some poesy and poetry.  Sometimes I reversed my method and wrote first and then added an accompanying image.  That led me to write Haiku about moments captured by camera or memory.

First doodles (Stories by Joe Spaghetti)

Here you will find poesy that I wrote when the boys were younger and I was inspired by Dr. Seuss...StoriesByJoeSpaghetti.

New doodles

Some more poesy and some poetry are...new-doodles, newer-doodles-two, newer-doodles-three, newer-doodles-four, newer-doodles-five, doodles-six, doodles-seven, doodles-eight, doodles-nine, doodles-tendoodles-eleven and a-little-darker-doodles.


Haikus are here: haiku page 1, haiku page 2 and haiku page 3.


"What if God planned the Universe on the back of a napkin?"
- Solomon Tall 8/8/2015)

more Tall-isms here

Copyright © 2015 by Joe Pivetti