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Awning sketch - this worked and graces our backyard since 2001 (stainless hardware is better and was substituted in the 10 year maintenance job that replaced the fabric and clamps).

. I drew this on an envelope at a diner in Taft after looking at a small oilfield WESP. HRC engineered four of these into the $7 million device atop a 24 st. dia. Wet Gas Scrubber near San Pedro, CA.

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"Political doodles and Doolittle poodles are a little bit sketchy."
- Solomon Tall (9/12/2015)

more Tall-isms here

Here are some photos of the retracted awning sketched to the right

Here is a photo of the Wet Gas Scrubber with Wet Electrostatic Precipitator (isolators not visible).

Here is a screen shot of the 3D model made by Jacobs for the project.

Copyright © 2017 by Joe Pivetti